Friday, February 7, 2025

Purchasing a Home Doesn’t Have to be a Challenge for Veterans

St. Louis, Missouri (March 7th, 2018)- Veterans have done a tremendous amount for our country in their past, but they tend to face many challenges upon being discharged and returning home. Some of the challenges they face include unemployment, homelessness, poor mental health, disabilities/physical injuries, and lack of education. Many of these veterans are unemployed due to disabilities or joining the military right out of high school causing them to lack higher education and experience. This unemployment rate can lead to homelessness as well. Roughly one-third of all homeless Americans are veterans, which can stem from disabilities or PTSD. Poor mental health can come from the horrible things they experienced while serving, leading to PTSD. Suicides and depression are extremely too high in the armed force community because of the multitude of these struggles. All of these factors go hand in hand and can lead to one another, causing veterans to sometimes live unfulfilled lives.

Since many veterans are unemployed and homeless, it can be extremely difficult for them to get their lives back on track. Purchasing a primary home could be a challenge, luckily it has been made easier by the VA home loan. These loans make it easier for veterans to get 100% financing to purchase their St. Louis home loan. Another benefit is there is no down payment required, as well as no monthly private mortgage insurance. They roll in all of your closing costs into your loan so that you don’t have to come up with that money either. At Liberty Lending Consultants St. Louis mortgage companies, they ensure the fixed rates are awesome, no matter the length of the loan. Last, they waive the VA funding fee for veterans disabled in the line of duty. Consider getting a St. Louis VA home loan to get back in control of your life.

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